Friday, July 13, 2012

Kid-friendly Tie Dye to Wear and to Eat!

What's not to love about tie dye? The colors are vibrant and cheerful, it's really fun to put your own spin on a pattern, and you end up with a creation all your own to wear! But the mess, the MESS. I really wanted to do some tie dye with the twins this summer but simply could not stomach the impending disaster we'd be in for with two 7-year-old Tasmanian devils boys and quite possibly a small toddler. I kept trying to figure out how I'd explain why my toddler was now completely dyed purple...not good, folks. So I put that thought aside.  

Pinterest to the rescue! At the end of the school year, the twin's art teacher asked for Sharpie markers and white t-shirts. 32 first graders made their own shirts using the Sharpies and NO MESS, so I started digging round Pinterest to see who perhaps had some experience/instructions for executing this miracle at home. I found a great site called Steve Spangler Science and then knew I alone could manage this project with not only two 7-year-olds, but THREE 7-year-olds. While still giddy, I allowed the twins to invite their good neighbor friend and fellow 7-year-old, C. We did these a couple of days before the 4th of July and we called the pattern "exploding fireworks" instead of boring old tie dye. All the boys had a ball! 

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